미국에서 대마초 사업주인 경우, 어린이 보호 포장이 필수라는 걸 아시죠?. 가지고 있으면 좋은 것만이 아니라 타협할 수 없는 것입니다. 하지만, 이것이 사실인 이유에 대해 무엇을 알고 있습니까??
캐나다에서는, 캐나다 보건부는 대마초 산업을 감독하며 이러한 규정 개발을 담당합니다.. 어린이 보호 포장에 대한 요구 사항은 대마초 산업의 혁신을 주도했을 뿐만 아니라, 그러나 이러한 개발은 엄격한 어린이 보호 포장 지침을 준수해야 하는 다른 산업에도 채택될 가능성이 높습니다..
미국 전역을 휩쓸고 있는 마리화나 합법화와 함께, CBD가 함유된 제품 (칸나비디올) 그리고 THC (테트라히드로칸나비놀) 소비자가 더욱 쉽게 이용할 수 있게 되었습니다.. 하지만, 이러한 대마초 유래 화합물에는 위험이 있습니다.. 너무 많은 THC를 섭취하거나 흡입하면 사람이 "취한 기분"을 느낄 수 있습니다.,기분 변화와 같은 부작용이 발생할 수 있습니다., 조정 장애, 그리고 심지어 환각까지. 어린이가 실수로 THC를 섭취하는 것은 특히 위험할 수 있습니다.; 이것이 바로 미국의 모든 대마초 제품에 어린이 보호 포장을 의무적으로 사용하는 이유입니다..
While each state may have different laws regarding compliance, generally speaking, any cannabis product that is sold to a consumer must be packaged according to CPSC guidelines. These guidelines stipulate that products packaged in a way that is not “significantly difficult” for children under five years old to open are considered defective and are subject to failure of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA).
Growers/processors: Growers and processors can be required by state law to package cannabis products in child-resistant packaging prior to selling or transferring them to retailers. Retailers: Retailers can be required by state law to sell or transfer cannabis products only in child-resistant packaging. The retailer is responsible for ensuring that packaging is properly affixed and sealed when sold or transferred to customers at retail; The retailer is also responsible for ensuring that any re-packaging done at the point of sale is done using child-resistant packaging; The retailer is also responsible for ensuring that any re-packaging done at the point of sale is done using child-resistant packaging; The retailer is also responsible
As a child-resistant package manufacturer, we take the safety of children seriously.
To be considered child resistant, cannabis packaging must adhere to the Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines. These guidelines state that a package must meet two criteria:
80% of children ages 42 에게 51 months cannot open the package within 5 minutes.
90% of adults over 51 years old can open it within 5 minutes.
Cannabis packaging and labeling should be in full compliance with all state specific laws, regulations and requirements.
While there are no federal laws governing cannabis packaging and labeling (yet), each state has its own regulations that your packaging must comply with in order to sell cannabis products legally. This means that you must ensure your packaging and labeling is compliant both with the state you are selling in as well as any other states that might be receiving your product.
예를 들어, if you are a California brand, your products may need to be labeled according to California law, but packaged according to Colorado law if you ship product to Colorado or Massachusetts. You may also need to consider labeling requirements for each individual city or county within a state.
The biggest mistake brands make is not checking their packaging with the appropriate agencies. A lot of brands don’t realize they have to go through this process. They’ll design a product, find a manufacturer, and then realize it’s only when the package is almost ready to go that they learn they need child resistant packaging compliance.
Child resistant packaging is a critical component of modern quality assurance and safety standards; 하지만, it’s not always easy to get right. Here are some common mistakes brands make when it comes to child resistant packaging compliance:
Not testing with children. 표준 패키지 테스트 절차에는 제한된 수의 "테스터"가 포함되는 경우가 많습니다. (보통 성인), 그들은 어린이가 안전하고 효과적인 어린이 방지 포장의 주요 대상이라는 사실을 거의 설명하지 않습니다.. 귀하의 제품이 어린이와 성인을 대상으로 테스트를 거쳐 이 특별한 고객을 위한 적절한 안전 표준을 충족하는지 확인하십시오..
특수 인구를 고려하지 못함. 특정 인구, 노인, 장애인 등, 어린이 보호 포장에도 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.. 모든 사람이 제품에 접근할 수 있도록 하려는 경우, 시장에 출시하기 전에 다양한 배경과 인구통계의 개인을 대상으로 포장을 테스트했는지 확인하세요..
어린이 보호 포장 관련 규정을 이해하지 못함. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued standards for child resistant packaging, including testing procedures and design specifications. It’s important for all
Using non-compliant packaging or closures. It’s critical to test your packaging to ensure it meets all requirements and regulations before you start manufacturing your product.
Failure to file the necessary paperwork with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to certify your product as child resistant in the U.S. If your product is non-compliant, you can face heavy fines and penalties, including recalls. Being proactive by filing the proper paperwork can save you time and money.