Перерабатываемые цилиндрические коробки из крафт-бумаги

As a leading manufacturer specializing in sustainable packaging solutions, we take pride in offering custom printed environmentally friendly recyclable kraft paper cylinder boxes tailored to your exact specifications. Our cylinder boxes are crafted from high-quality kraft paper, ensuring durability and eco-friendliness throughout their lifecycle.


Custom printed environmentally friendly recyclable kraft paper tube packaging

These cylinder boxes are fully customizable, allowing you to showcase your brand identity and product information with vibrant custom printing. Whether you need simple logos or intricate designs, our printing capabilities can bring your vision to life.

Custom printed environmentally friendly recyclable kraft paper tube packagingCustom printed environmentally friendly Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond just materials. We prioritize environmentally friendly manufacturing processes to minimize waste and reduce our carbon footprint, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of environmental responsibility.

Custom printed environmentally friendly recyclable kraft paper tube packaging

With our custom printed kraft paper cylinder boxes, you can elevate your brand image while demonstrating your dedication to sustainability. Contact us today to discuss your packaging needs and let us help you make a positive impact on both your customers and the planet.


15 лет сосредоточиться на производстве бумажных туб пластиковых туб по индивидуальному заказу
15 лет производитель упаковки из бумажных и пластиковых туб (свяжитесь с нами, чтобы получить расценки и техническую поддержку)
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